Velocity Micro Cruz D610 tablet's low standards matches its low price
The Velocity Micro Cruz D10's specs are so 2012.
Velocity Micro)
The Cruz D610 comes with 8GB internal storage, a microSD expansion slot, a front .3 megapixel camera, and 1024x768 resolution. Ports include microUSB and mini-HDMI. According to Velocity Micro, prices will start at $199 with a release by end of the first quarter this year.
The tablet's specifications are underwhelming, especially when compared to the other Velocity Micro tablet premiering at CES 2013. The Cruz Q610 outshines the Cruz D610 with a quad-core processor and Android 4.1 for a small price difference -- $249 instead of $199.
The Cruz D610's specifications fail to compete with those of other tablets in the $199 price range. The Google Nexus 7 outshines the Cruz D610 when it comes to screen quality, OS, and processor. In the last year standards for screen quality has increased significantly, and a tablet with a 10-inch screen and a 1,024x768 resolution just isn't impressive, especially with 7-inch tablets like the Nexus 7 available for the same price.
Look to CNET for new information on the Velocity Micro Cruz D610 as it's released.
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