This part is down to the person taking the pictures and is fairly common
sense, but you would be surprised how many dustbins and toys etc appear
on the front of house details. My most successful estate agents pay
great attention to this, when joint marketing properties the difference
between one agents photo’s and another is incredible. Sometimes taking
pictures from a low or high point or slightly to the side of a property
can make all the difference.
Wide Angle lenses to enable capturing most of internal rooms and
external shots with restricted distance. The camera should have a lens
that is 28mm (in 35mm camera terms) or wider. (The smaller the number
the wider the field of view). Most cameras that have wide angle lenses
specify it (in Traditional 35mm film camera equivalent terms)
Unfortunately quite a lot of cameras, especially the new Digital SLR
Cameras do not show the specification of the lens in 35mm equivalent
terms so it is hard to compare like for like, for example the Canon EOS
350D lists a 18-55mm lens, but in 35mm terms this is actually 28.8mm to
88mm lens, and yes you can use some of your old lenses but multiply them
by1.6x .
Photo shape!
Traditional 35mm film cameras usually used pictures that had an aspect
ratio of 3:2 which are the same sort of shape as landscape A4 paper,
some digital cameras take 4:3 shaped pictures that are the shape of most
computer screens i.e a lot squarer. On many new cameras you can select
either shape, but on quite a lot of the Digital SLR (removable lens
cameras) you are stuck with one shape only. This could effect the layout
of your details and mess up your templates, or web pages, obviously you
can change your templates, but not if you are one office out of a
group. This can be changed in software but is another step, so I would
suggest you pick a suitable one.
Good Quality Photos
These days you should aim for a camera with 5M pixels or more, although
these are often capable of capturing far higher resolution pictures than
you need. But is not just the number of pixels that count but the
quality of the lens and the camera.
Are your pictures too dark?
When cameras are used in their standard mode they are often set to
average or evaluative metering. This often means then when about 1/3 of
the picture is brightly lit sky that the actual house is very dark in
the picture, look for a setting in the metering for either center
weighted metering(or spot metering if you don’t have centre weighted)
which takes all of its readings from the central area of the picture i.e
the house, you could be amazed at the difference, alternatively use the
exposure compensation + or – buttons to manually brighten the image
whilst you are looking at the image on the back of your camera before
you take the shot.
On internal photography, you will often be looking straight at a window
at the end of the room so with the average metering on you will get
pictures of dark rooms, so with centre weighted metering set look
slightly away from the window in to the corner of the room, ½ depress
the picture taking button, keeping the button in recompose your shot
back facing the window and push the button all the way. I would also
often use the flash in fill mode so that it fires regardless of light
coming in through windows etc, but this is not suitable in all cases.
Ease of use
To enable you to market your properties to their full potential it is
essential that the outside and the inside look spacious and inviting.
I wish I had a pound for everybody that visited our stand at PCS that
had purchased a Digital SLR and said they had no idea how to work it.
Digital SLR cameras are capable of taking the best pictures but if you
are not a keen photographer then you would probably take better pictures
with a simpler camera..
Files Sizes
If you are printing details from Word for example and the front picture
is about 6x4” then this does not need to be a huge 8 million pixel
photo, try to resample it to the smallest file size you can before you
lose print quality. Apart from freeing space on your PC this will also
print much faster, this is particularly important if you have a lot of
pictures per detail or you produce lettings list with loads of
pictures, just because you have made the picture look smaller in Word
does not mean that the files size is any smaller. I am often asked why
is this lettings list taking a long time to print, upon investigation I
then find out the print job is spooling into hundreds of Megabytes
because each picture is at full resolution even though they may only
appear in the document as a two inch image.
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